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We are impacting communities in Mpigi with Climate Resilient Agriculture practices

Following goal of impacting over 300 people with the acquisition of climate resilient seed from SDG Village climate resilient seed bank…

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Great news on the SDG World Village Project: Where Small Seeds Become Strong Roots

A Seed Bank with a Climate Resilient Demonstration Garden is now established in Mpigi, Uganda, near the repurposed container.When local…

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CSYAN is extending technical expertise to agripreneurs in Kampala's ghettos

Fostering innovation is our ambition to see people in land constrained areas manage to grow their own food in this case vegetables…

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The #SDGvillage2 is gaining traction among Mpigi Communities

Just imagine when you have planned for 50 people and you get 108 participants. This was our experience today; good enough our delivery…

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